Modular and Robust Sensor-Fusion
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Copyright (C) 2021 Christian Brommer, Control of Networked Systems, University of Klagenfurt, Austria.
2 //
3 // All rights reserved.
4 //
5 // This software is licensed under the terms of the BSD-2-Clause-License with
6 // no commercial use allowed, the full terms of which are made available
7 // in the LICENSE file. No license in patents is granted.
8 //
9 // You can contact the author at <>
11 #ifndef CORELOGIC_H
12 #define CORELOGIC_H
14 #include <mars/buffer.h>
15 #include <mars/core_state.h>
16 #include <mars/sensor_manager.h>
18 #include <Eigen/Dense>
19 #include <iostream>
20 #include <memory>
22 namespace mars
23 {
27 class CoreLogic
28 {
29 public:
32  std::shared_ptr<CoreState> core_states_{ nullptr };
36  bool core_is_initialized_{ false };
38  bool core_init_warn_once_{ false };
39  bool verbose_{ false };
40  bool verbose_out_of_order_{ false };
41  bool discard_ooo_prop_meas_{ false };
49  CoreLogic(std::shared_ptr<CoreState> core_states);
50  CoreLogic() = default;
58  int Initialize(const Eigen::Vector3d& p_wi_init, const Eigen::Quaterniond& q_wi_init);
64  CoreStateMatrix GenerateStateTransitionBlock(const int& first_transition_idx, const int& last_transition_idx);
69  Eigen::MatrixXd PropagateSensorCrossCov(const Eigen::MatrixXd& sensor_cov, const CoreStateMatrix& core_cov,
70  const CoreStateMatrix& state_transition);
75  bool PerformSensorUpdate(std::shared_ptr<SensorAbsClass> sensor, const Time& timestamp, BufferEntryType* sensor_data);
76  bool PerformSensorUpdate(std::shared_ptr<SensorAbsClass> sensor, const Time& timestamp, BufferEntryType* sensor_data,
77  bool* added_interm_state);
89  void PerformCoreStatePropagation(std::shared_ptr<SensorAbsClass> sensor, const Time& timestamp,
90  const BufferEntryType& prior_state_entry, BufferEntryType* sensor_entry);
107  void ReworkBufferStartingAtIndex(const int& index);
130  bool ProcessMeasurement(std::shared_ptr<SensorAbsClass> sensor, const Time& timestamp, const BufferDataType& data);
131 };
132 } // namespace mars
134 #endif // CORELOGIC_H
The BufferDataType binds the core and sensor state in form of a shared void pointer.
Definition: buffer_data_type.h:36
Definition: buffer_entry_type.h:41
BufferClass that holds mars::BufferEntryType elements and provides access methods.
Definition: buffer.h:35
The CoreLogic class represents the high-level logic for the operation of the filter.
Definition: core_logic.h:28
bool verbose_
Definition: core_logic.h:39
bool PerformSensorUpdate(std::shared_ptr< SensorAbsClass > sensor, const Time &timestamp, BufferEntryType *sensor_data)
PerformSensorUpdate Returns new state with corrected state and updated covariance.
SensorManager sensor_manager_
Buffer that holds measurements prior initialization.
Definition: core_logic.h:35
bool core_init_warn_once_
Definition: core_logic.h:38
void PerformCoreStatePropagation(std::shared_ptr< SensorAbsClass > sensor, const Time &timestamp, const BufferEntryType &prior_state_entry, BufferEntryType *sensor_entry)
PerformCoreStatePropagation Propagates the core state and returns the new state entry.
int Initialize(const Eigen::Vector3d &p_wi_init, const Eigen::Quaterniond &q_wi_init)
Initialize the filter with information available in the prior init buffer.
void ReworkBufferStartingAtIndex(const int &index)
ReworkBufferStartingAtIndex Reprocesses the buffer after an out of order update, starting at given 'i...
CoreLogic(std::shared_ptr< CoreState > core_states)
CoreStateMatrix GenerateStateTransitionBlock(const int &first_transition_idx, const int &last_transition_idx)
GenerateStateTransitionBlock Returns the state transition block between 'first_transition_idx' and 'l...
Buffer buffer_
Holds a pointer to the core_states.
Definition: core_logic.h:33
bool ProcessMeasurement(std::shared_ptr< SensorAbsClass > sensor, const Time &timestamp, const BufferDataType &data)
ProcessMeasurement Processes the sensor input.
EIGEN_MAKE_ALIGNED_OPERATOR_NEW std::shared_ptr< CoreState > core_states_
Definition: core_logic.h:32
Buffer buffer_prior_core_init_
Main buffer of the filter.
Definition: core_logic.h:34
bool PerformSensorUpdate(std::shared_ptr< SensorAbsClass > sensor, const Time &timestamp, BufferEntryType *sensor_data, bool *added_interm_state)
bool core_is_initialized_
Definition: core_logic.h:36
bool discard_ooo_prop_meas_
Increased output of information for delayed measurements.
Definition: core_logic.h:41
Eigen::MatrixXd PropagateSensorCrossCov(const Eigen::MatrixXd &sensor_cov, const CoreStateMatrix &core_cov, const CoreStateMatrix &state_transition)
bool add_interm_buffer_entries_
Discard out of order propagation sensor measurements.
Definition: core_logic.h:42
bool verbose_out_of_order_
Increased output of information.
Definition: core_logic.h:40
Definition: sensor_manager.h:22
Definition: time.h:20
Definition: buffer.h:27
Eigen::Matrix< double, CoreStateType::size_error_, CoreStateType::size_error_ > CoreStateMatrix
Definition: core_state_type.h:134