Modular and Robust Sensor-Fusion
Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
mars Namespace Reference


class  Buffer
 BufferClass that holds mars::BufferEntryType elements and provides access methods. More...
class  CoreLogic
 The CoreLogic class represents the high-level logic for the operation of the filter. More...
class  CoreState
class  filesystem
 The filesystem class implements a wrapper for file or directory interaction. More...
class  ReadBarometerData
class  ReadCsv
class  ReadGpsData
class  ReadGpsWithVelData
class  ReadImuData
class  ReadMagData
class  ReadPoseData
class  ReadPositionData
class  ReadSimData
class  ReadVelocityData
class  ReadVisionData
class  WriteCsv
class  Chi2
class  Ekf
class  ProgressIndicator
class  Utils
class  MPerfType
 The MPerfType class Class of performance entry types. More...
class  MPerf
 The MPerf class Class which hosts individual time tracking instances. More...
class  NearestCov
 The NearestCov class generates a PSD Cov for a given pseudo-cov matrix. More...
class  SensorManager
struct  Attitude
 The Attitude struct. More...
class  AttitudeMeasurementType
class  AttitudeSensorClass
class  AttitudeSensorStateType
class  BindSensorData
 The BaseSensorData class binds the sensor state and covariance matrix. More...
class  BodyvelMeasurementType
class  BodyvelSensorClass
class  BodyvelSensorStateType
class  EmptyMeasurementType
class  EmptySensorClass
class  EmptySensorStateType
struct  GpsCoordinates
 The GpsCoordinates struct. More...
class  GpsConversion
 The GpsConversion class. More...
class  GpsMeasurementType
class  GpsSensorClass
class  GpsSensorStateType
class  GPSInit
 The GPSInit class is an initializer for calculating the average coordinates over a given time window. More...
class  GpsVelMeasurementType
class  GpsVelSensorClass
class  GpsVelSensorStateType
class  IMUMeasurementType
class  ImuSensorClass
class  MagMeasurementType
class  MagSensorClass
class  MagSensorStateType
class  MagnetometerInit
class  BaseMeas
class  MeasInterface
class  PoseMeasurementType
class  PoseSensorClass
class  PoseSensorStateType
class  PositionMeasurementType
class  PositionSensorClass
class  PositionSensorStateType
struct  Pressure
 The Pressure struct describes the raw pressure measurement used for conversion later. More...
struct  MediumPressureOptions
 The MediumPressureOptions struct contains all medium-related (gas, liquid, fluid, etc.) variables needed for pressure calculation. More...
class  PressureConversion
class  PressureMeasurementType
class  PressureSensorClass
class  PressureSensorStateType
class  PressureInit
 Pressure initalization object to calcualte mean initial pressure. More...
class  SensorAbsClass
class  SensorInterface
class  UpdateSensorAbsClass
class  VelocityMeasurementType
class  VelocitySensorClass
class  VelocitySensorStateType
class  VisionMeasurementType
class  VisionSensorClass
class  VisionSensorStateType
class  Time
class  BaseStates
 The BaseStates class is used to ensure that all sensor data classes define a covariance size for the 'bind_sensor_data' class. More...
class  BufferDataType
 The BufferDataType binds the core and sensor state in form of a shared void pointer. More...
class  BufferEntryType
class  CoreStateType
class  CoreType
class  Pose


using CsvDataType = std::map< std::string, std::vector< double > >
using HeaderMapType = std::map< int, std::string >
using NearestCovMethod = NearestCovMethods::NearestCovMethod
using AttitudeSensorData = BindSensorData< AttitudeSensorStateType >
using BodyvelSensorData = BindSensorData< BodyvelSensorStateType >
using EmptySensorData = BindSensorData< EmptySensorStateType >
using GpsSensorData = BindSensorData< GpsSensorStateType >
using GpsVelSensorData = BindSensorData< GpsVelSensorStateType >
using MagSensorData = BindSensorData< MagSensorStateType >
using PoseSensorData = BindSensorData< PoseSensorStateType >
using PositionSensorData = BindSensorData< PositionSensorStateType >
using PressureSensorData = BindSensorData< PressureSensorStateType >
using VelocitySensorData = BindSensorData< VelocitySensorStateType >
using VisionSensorData = BindSensorData< VisionSensorStateType >
using BufferMetadataType = BufferMetadataTypes::BufferMetadataType
using CoreStateMatrix = Eigen::Matrix< double, CoreStateType::size_error_, CoreStateType::size_error_ >
using CoreStateVector = Eigen::Matrix< double, CoreStateType::size_error_, 1 >


enum class  AttitudeSensorType { RP_TYPE , RPY_TYPE }


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, AttitudeSensorType type)

Typedef Documentation

◆ CsvDataType

using mars::CsvDataType = typedef std::map<std::string, std::vector<double> >

◆ HeaderMapType

using mars::HeaderMapType = typedef std::map<int, std::string>

◆ NearestCovMethod

◆ AttitudeSensorData

◆ BodyvelSensorData

◆ EmptySensorData

◆ GpsSensorData

◆ GpsVelSensorData

◆ MagSensorData

◆ PoseSensorData

◆ PositionSensorData

◆ PressureSensorData

◆ VelocitySensorData

◆ VisionSensorData

◆ BufferMetadataType

◆ CoreStateMatrix

◆ CoreStateVector

using mars::CoreStateVector = typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, CoreStateType::size_error_, 1>

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ AttitudeSensorType


aviation attitude, roll and pitch only


full orientation, roll, pitch, and yaw

37 {
38  RP_TYPE,
40 };
full orientation, roll, pitch, and yaw
aviation attitude, roll and pitch only

Function Documentation

◆ operator<<()

std::ostream& mars::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
AttitudeSensorType  type 
43 {
44  switch (type)
45  {
46  case AttitudeSensorType::RP_TYPE:
47  os << "ROLL/PITCH";
48  break;
49  case AttitudeSensorType::RPY_TYPE:
50  os << "ROLL/PITCH/YAW";
51  break;
52  default:
53  os << "UNKNOWN";
54  break;
55  }
56  return os;
57 }